Прикольные фото и картинки о любви
Cool photos and pictures about love
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Согрей мне душу ...

Любовь, слова любви

Согрей мне душу тихим, тёплым «Да»,
Добавь чуть слышно: «Я люблю как прежде»! -
Чтоб сотни лет, прожитых без надежды,
Растаяли, как дымка, без следа.
Ладонь мою щекою обожги,
Прижав своими нежными руками
Её к лицу, и тонкими губами
Мне страсть и ласку без остатка подари.
Отдай все силы, чтобы утолить
Печаль, мечту и жажду этой встречи,
Я крепко обниму тебя за плечи,
Чтобы тебя в себе до капли растворить. (с)

Сними напряжение


Знаки любви

Осторожно ограничение по возрасту

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любовь, love

Ха, тоже love

Прикол любовь

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Photography is the process of making pictures by means of the action of light. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects are recorded onto a sensitive medium or storage chip through a timed exposure. The process is done through mechanical, chemical or digital devices known as cameras.

Lens and mounting of a large-format cameraWikibooks has more about this subject:
PhotographyThe word comes from the Greek words φως phos ("light"), and γραφις graphis ("stylus", "paintbrush") or γραφη graphê, together meaning "drawing with light" or "representation by means of lines" or "drawing." Traditionally the product of photography has been called a photograph. The term photo is an abbreviation; many people also call them pictures. In digital photography, the term image has begun to replace photograph.

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Photography is the process of making pictures by means of the action of light. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects are recorded onto a sensitive medium or storage chip through a timed exposure. The process is done through mechanical, chemical or digital devices known as cameras.
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